
There is an epidemic facing veterinary medicine! We are facing an extremely high burnout rate where our colleagues, who have invested years of their life into advanced training and countless hours working in our profession to save lives, are actually finding themselves at the end of their rope. Some even to the point of taking their own lives. This is close to Jacquelin’s heart and she feels the need to share this information with the general public. We can do better! Jacquelin’s mission is to raise awareness of the situation veterinarians are facing and create change.

Change comes from pet owners and trainers knowing the daunting reality their trusted veterinarians are facing, and doing their part to be kind, have grace, and realize they truly did enter this profession because they love animals and they are doing their best to save every animal. But all the battles cannot be won. When veterinarians lose, they hurt too. 

Change needs to happen within our community. Jacquelin is actively engaged in think tanks and organizations focusing on ways to improve the lives of veterinarians. Change must come from modifying the culture within and outside the veterinarian and the veterinary community. Join Jacquelin in this mission to bring joy to the lives of veterinarians who help pets live longer, healthier lives. 


Not One More Veterinarian Veterinary Facebook support group—open to veterinarians only

Vet Visit with Dr. Mike McFarland podcast focusing on human-animal bond topics

The Whole Veterinarian podcast

Podcast a Vet Sharing stories of individuals who make up the veterinary community

HABRI Human Animal Bond Research Institute

 Check back regularly for updates in podcasts, books, papers and other relevant topics.